Make Your Garage A Showplace With Terra Chip Epoxy Floors

ss5Why settle for a plain concrete garage floor when you can reap the benefits of terra chip coating in one of the highest traffic areas of your home? An epoxy garage floor is a great alternative that can be both beautiful and functional.


You may have seen do-it-yourself epoxy kits or epoxy paint at the hardware store. Neither of these solutions will give the same results as a professionally installed epoxy coating. Unlike paint that contains a small percentage of epoxy, an epoxy coating contains a resin and a hardener that cures instead of merely drying. The curing process gives epoxy durability and resilience. A floor professionally coated with epoxy won’t scratch, crack or stain. It also doesn’t create dust the way a cement garage floor does, it disguises any existing flaws in your floor and it is easily cleaned.


Epoxy Design & Style Options

Terra chip epoxy coating comes in many different designs. Flakes of color are mixed into industrial epoxy to create a variety of color combinations. Once the coating is applied to your garage floor, it is covered with a sealer to add gloss and fully protect the surface. The available color combinations are often neutral grays and browns, with flakes in brighter accent colors.


Terra Chip Floor Cost

An epoxy garage floor coating is surprisingly affordable. It is reasonable to expect your cost to be around $6 per square foot, including both labor and materials. Considering that your floor should last 10 to 20 years, an epoxy coating can be a smart home investment.


To ensure that your garage floor remains as beautiful as the day it was installed, clean it regularly in accordance with your installer’s directions. Avoid allowing stains such as rust or vehicle drippings to go unchecked.


Terra chip coating can make your garage floor more attractive, easier to clean and more durable than concrete alone. This smart home improvement can truly go a long way in your home garage. For more information about terra chip garage flooring call us or click here for a free quote.